Analogies WorksheetsTerms of Use
"Although I really like all of your worksheets, these analogies worksheets are a hit in my class. Just thought I'd let you know :) Thanks, and keep up the great work!" -- Tracey H., Winston-Salem, NC, 02/18/12Like these materials? Show your support by liking us on Facebook...
People often wonder about the effectiveness of analogies. What do they teach? How do they work? Why are they so useful? What makes analogies so effective is their ability to get students to think critically. In order to answer an analogy question correctly, the student has to form a logical relationship, or "bridge" between two words. They must think about how the words are related. Since words represent particulars (not universals), there is a nearly infinite number of ways they might be related. It is the student's job to narrow this number, and focus on the most essential relation -- the most basic aspect of the word's function or definition. This page contains analogies worksheets. In these worksheets, students must be able to recognize the relationship between the words in a word pair and to recognize when two word pairs display parallel relationships. To answer an analogy question, you must formulate the relationship between the words in the given word pair and then select the answer containing words related to one another in most nearly the same way. Each question has five answer choices, and 12 questions total.
There are seven primary types of relationships used in our analogies: function, degree, lack, characteristic, type/kind, part to whole, and definition. Keep in mind that these relationship categories are general; there are many other categories and variations used throughout these worksheets. Also remember that while learning how to solve analogy problems can be very educational and rewarding, it can also be frustrating. Therefore, we strongly recommend you review our Classic Bridge Examples worksheet as well as our Three-Step Method for solving analogies problems (see links below). This will greatly enhance your personal understanding of how analogies work, improve your lesson plan when introducing analogies to students, and likely result in a higher rate of success. The best strategy to use when completing analogies problems is the bridge sentence strategy. Bridge sentences are helpful because they enable the student to instantly recognize the answer pair by plugging it into the bridge sentence formulated from the question pair. If the bridge sentence works with both the question pair and answer pair, then you know you have found the correct answer.
© COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home. Binding, bookmaking, and or collation, reproduction and or duplication on other websites, creation of online quizzes or tests, saving to disks or hard drives, publication on intranets such as Moodle and Blackboard, and or use of our worksheets for commercial gain is strictly prohibited.
Getting Started
Unit 1: Sentence Analogies
Below you will find our full list of printable analogies worksheets in which the student must choose the sentence that makes sense. They are a good way to introduce beginners to common analogies bridges. Each worksheet has 10 questions and three answer choices. to be used by teachers at home or in school. Just click on a link to open a printable PDF version of the desired worksheet. We hope you find them useful.
- Low-Beginning Introduction
- Answer Key
- Sentence Analogies 1
- Sentence Analogies 2
- Sentence Analogies 3
- Sentence Analogies 4
- Sentence Analogies 5
Unit 2: Read Theory Word Pair Analogies
This unit contains classic analogies worksheets in which students must choose the pair of words that best express a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. Note that low beginning analogies have been created so that one word is static. This is not true for all other levels as both words are dynamic in them. Oh hey, and don't forget: the following are samples taken from our sister site, ReadTheory. This is a powerful educational tool created to improve reading comprehension for all ages and ability levels. On this website, students can take quizzes, earn achievements, track their progress, and more. And better still, we've implemented a teacher login where teachers can monitor students progress using powerful statistical analysis. Click on the banner to sign up to receive our newsletter.
© COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home. Binding, bookmaking, and or collation, reproduction and or duplication on other websites, creation of online quizzes or tests, saving to disks or hard drives, publication on intranets such as Moodle and Blackboard, and or use of our worksheets for commercial gain is strictly prohibited.
- Grade 1
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 2
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 3
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 4
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 5
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 6
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 7
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 8
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 9
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 10
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 11
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
- Grade 12
- Analogies 1
- Analogies 2
- Analogies 3
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Unit 3: One Word Analogies
This unit contains classic analogies worksheets in which students must choose the pair of words that best express a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. Note that low beginning analogies have been created so that one word is static. This is not true for all other levels as both words are dynamic in them.- Low-Beginning Level
- Answer Key
- One Word Analogies 1
- One Word Analogies 2
- One Word Analogies 3
- One Word Analogies 4
- One Word Analogies 5
- One Word Analogies 6
- One Word Analogies 7
- One Word Analogies 8
- One Word Analogies 9
- One Word Analogies 10
Unit 4: More Classic Word Pair Analogies
This unit contains classic analogies worksheets in which students must choose the pair of words that best express a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. Note that these worksheets are to be used as supplementary materials. If this is your first time visiting our website, we recommend that you begin with the Read Theory analogies worksheets located in Unit 2 on this page.- High-Beginning Level
- Answer Key
- Word Pair Analogies 1
- Word Pair Analogies 2
- Word Pair Analogies 3
- Word Pair Analogies 4
- Word Pair Analogies 5
- Word Pair Analogies 6
- Word Pair Analogies 7
- Word Pair Analogies 8
- Word Pair Analogies 9
- Word Pair Analogies 10
- Low-Intermediate Level
- Answer Key
- Word Pair Analogies 1
- Word Pair Analogies 2
- Word Pair Analogies 3
- Word Pair Analogies 4
- Word Pair Analogies 5
- Word Pair Analogies 6
- Word Pair Analogies 7
- Word Pair Analogies 8
- Word Pair Analogies 9
- Word Pair Analogies 10
- High-Intermediate Level
- Answer Key
- Word Pair Analogies 1
- Word Pair Analogies 2
- Word Pair Analogies 3
- Word Pair Analogies 4
- Word Pair Analogies 5
- Word Pair Analogies 6
- Word Pair Analogies 7
- Word Pair Analogies 8
- Word Pair Analogies 9
- Word Pair Analogies 10
- Low-Advanced (SAT) Level
- Answer Key
- Word Pair Analogies 1
- Word Pair Analogies 2
- Word Pair Analogies 3
- Word Pair Analogies 4
- Word Pair Analogies 5
- Word Pair Analogies 6
- Word Pair Analogies 7
- Word Pair Analogies 8
- Word Pair Analogies 9
- Word Pair Analogies 10
- High-Advanced (GRE) Level
- Answer Key
- Word Pair Analogies 1
- Word Pair Analogies 2
- Word Pair Analogies 3
- Word Pair Analogies 4
- Word Pair Analogies 5
- Word Pair Analogies 6
- Word Pair Analogies 7
- Word Pair Analogies 8
- Word Pair Analogies 9
- Word Pair Analogies 10