Reading Comprehension WorksheetsTerms of Use
"Your reading comprehension materials are the best I've found on the web. They are so thorough and comprehensive! My students and I have learned a lot from them. Thanks so much!" -- Susan B., Carter, KY. 03/21/12Like these materials? Show your support by liking us on Facebook...
On this page you will find our complete list of high quality reading comprehension worksheets created specially by our team for students in grade levels K-12. Our worksheets elicit the use of critical thinking skills at every level. While some questions ask the reader to peruse the passage for particular details, most questions involve the use of deductive reasoning, conclusion making, logical inference, sequential analysis, tonal awareness, and an understanding of scope. These materials are highly effective in supplementing the education of verbal reasoning and critical thinking skills on behalf of the reader. What is more, these materials are applicable for students of all ages and ability levels. Many of the resources found on this page are available in online quiz form at our sister site, ReadTheory.
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Our reading comprehension worksheets teach students to think critically, draw inferences, understand scope and global concepts, find or recall details, and infer the meaning of useful vocabulary words.
© COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home. Binding, bookmaking, and or collation, reproduction and or duplication on other websites, creation of online quizzes or tests, saving to disks or hard drives, publication on intranets such as Moodle and Blackboard, and or use of our worksheets for commercial gain is strictly prohibited.
- Grade 1 - Find more here!
- Grade 2 - Find more here!
- Grade 3 - Find more here!
- Grade 4 - Find more here!
- Grade 5 - Find more here!
- Grade 6 - Find more here!
- Grade 7 - Find more here!
- Grade 8 - Find more here!
- Grade 9 - Find more here!
- Grade 10 - Find more here!
- Grade 11 - Find more here!
- Grade 12 - Find more here!

Critical Thinking Reading Comprehension Worksheets
In this series, readers are tested on their ability to perform interpretations, make deductions, and infer the meaning of vocabulary words based on an informational passage.© COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home. Binding, bookmaking, and or collation, reproduction and or duplication on other websites, creation of online quizzes or tests, saving to disks or hard drives, publication on intranets such as Moodle and Blackboard, and or use of our worksheets for commercial gain is strictly prohibited.
- Grade 1
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 2
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 3
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 4
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 5
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 6
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 7
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 8
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 9
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 10
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 11
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
- Grade 12
- Passage 1
- Passage 2
- Passage 3
- Passage 4
- Passage 5
- Take these as online quizzes here!
Short Story Reading Comprehension Worksheets
In this series, readers are tested on their ability to perform interpretations, make deductions, and infer the meaning of vocabulary words based on a short story. Worksheets in this series are not tagged with a US grade level, as we rely on teachers to use their own judgment to find a level of difficulty appropriate for their own particular applications.© COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home. Binding, bookmaking, and or collation, reproduction and or duplication on other websites, creation of online quizzes or tests, saving to disks or hard drives, publication on intranets such as Moodle and Blackboard, and or use of our worksheets for commercial gain is strictly prohibited.
- Beginning Level
- Answers for this series are included at the end of each worksheet.
- "My Friend" - Low Beginning. 3 answer choices. 7 questions. 74 words.
- "My House" - Low Beginning. 3 answer choices. 7 questions. 92 words.
- "Time to..." - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 89 words.
- "My Family" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 6 questions. 90 words.
- "Rainy Day" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 78 words.
- "A Call to the Pool" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 116 words.
- "The Singing Bird" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 96 words.
- "Seeing Stars" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 8 questions. 92 words.
- "I Fly" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 4 questions. 113 words.
- "The Drive" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 120 words.
- "Zach's Animals" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 104 words.
- "Griffin's Talents" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 112 words.
- "A Happy Visitor" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 170 words.
- "An Adventure" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 177 words.
- "Running" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 148 words.
- "Paul Cooks" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 112 words.
- "Bella Hides" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 8 questions. 135 words.
- "First Prize" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 8 questions. 155 words.
- "What Number?" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 154 words.
- "The Interview" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 205 words.
- "Julian's Work" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 194 words.
- "Talia's Special Day" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 204 words.
- "One Hundred Dollars" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 273 words.
- "New Shoes for Maddy" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 223 words.
- "The 20" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 256 words.
- "Big City Noise" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 238 words.
- Intermediate Level
- Answers for this series are included at the end of each worksheet.
- "By the Water" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 225 words.
- "A Cold Day" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 14 questions. 286 words.
- "Vet Emergency!" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 247 words.
- "Late" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 14 questions. 284 words.
- "The Brenners" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 297 words.
- "Bullied" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 197 words.
- "The New School" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 14 questions. 286 words.
- "The Park" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 297 words.
- "Worth Working For" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 280 words.
- "The Rent Man" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 215 words.
- "Time with Grandpa" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 237 words.
- "The Bus Driver" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 15 questions. 294 words.
- "A Day Like No Other" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 305 words.
- "A Mystery" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 247 words.
- "Just One Touch" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 15 questions. 326 words.
- "Wanga" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 340 words.
- "Ana Finds an Apartment" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 408 words.
- "Guermo's Surprise" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 372 words.
- "Canopy of Nature" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 8 questions. 332 words.
- "Blizzard in Birmingham" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 319 words.
- "A Christmas in March" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 385 words.
- "Bail" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 301 words.
- "Clean Water Act" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 632 words.
- "BB" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 511 words.
- Advanced Level
- Answers for this series are included at the end of each worksheet.
- "The Mini Problem" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 291 words.
- "Flower Power" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 368 words.
- "Seeing Clearly" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 284 words.
- "Accused" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 285 words.
- "City Girl" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 429 words.
- "Fried" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 235 words.
- "Tattoo" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 350 words.
- "The Transfers" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 381 words.
- "Wild" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 493 words.
- "Scorpion" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 333 words
- "Remains of a Marriage" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 345 words.
- "Museum Hours" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 179 words.
- "Seeing Through" - High Advanced. 5 answer choices. 10 questions. 326 words.
- "Ursula Pugh" - High Advanced. 5 answer choices. 8 questions. 324 words.
- "Dreams" - High Advanced. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 357 words.
- "Tracks" - High Advanced. 5 answer choices. 11 questions. 531 words.
- "Love Train" - High Advanced. 5 answer choices. 12 questions. 646 words.
- "The Storm" - High Advanced. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 407 words.
Aren't fictional short stories fun!? Well, we hope you found the things you needed. Just remember to uphold our Terms of Use when using them. Oh yeah, and don't forget that these materials are samples taken from our sister site, ReadTheory -- an interactive website dedicated to improving reading comprehension for all ages and ability levels. Click on the link to check it out!
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Informational Passages Reading Comprehension Worksheets
In these reading comprehension worksheets, students are asked questions about information they have read about a specific topic. Each passage reads similar to a newspaper of journal article, and provides interesting information about some aspect of history, nature, mechanics, science, art, and more. Questions involve critical thinking with a focus on logic and inference.
- Beginning Level
- Answer Key - This answer key is available but still under development.
- "The Sun" - Low Beginning. 3 questions. Under 50 words.
- "Gas" - Low Beginning. 3 questions. Under 50 words.
- "Music" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 50 words.
- "Birds" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 50 words.
- "The Heart" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 50 words.
- "The Butterfly" - Low Beginning. 5 questions. Under 50 words.
- "Pigs" - Low Beginning. 3 questions. Under 50 words.
- "The Brain" - Low Beginning. 3 questions. Under 50 words.
- "The Ocean" - Low Beginning. 7 questions. Under 100 words.
- "Trees" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
- "Alligators" - Low Beginning. 6 questions. Under 100 words.
- "The Blow-Dryer" - Low Beginning. 5 questions. Under 100 words.
- "Green Grass" - Low Beginning. 6 questions. Under 100 words.
- "Taste" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
- "Bees" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Frogs" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Beds" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Humans" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Fish" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Houses" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Soda Pop" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Tea" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Ice Fishing" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Bears" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Flags" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Leonardo Da Vinci" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words..
- "Tennis" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Dogs" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Money" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Abraham Lincoln" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Corn" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Umbrellas" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Ben Franklin" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Cars" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- Intermediate Level
- Answer Key - This is the answer key for to the intermediate level informational passages.
- "Helicopters" - Low Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Yellowstone National Park" - Low Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Empress of the Blues" - Low Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "The Cactus" - Low Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Space Exploration Voyagers 1 and 2" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Television" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Hibernation and Estivation" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Marco Polo" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Movie Ratings" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Birdsongs" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Counting" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Easter Island" - High Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Mosquitoes" - High Intermediate. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
- "Fingerprints" - High Intermediate. 11 questions. Under 700 words.
- "Mother's Day" - High Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 700 words.
- "Europe" - High Intermediate. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
- Advanced Level
- Answer Key - This is the answer key for to the advanced level informational passages.
- "Chocolate" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 600 words.
- "Houses Around the World" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 700 words.
- "Cells" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 700 words.
- "Soccer" - Low Advanced. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
- "Bathtubs" - Low Advanced. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
- "Pollution" - Low Advanced. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
- "Interstate Highways" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 800 words.
- "The U.S. Census" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 800 words.
- "Sleep" - Low Advanced. 11 questions. Under 800 words.
- "The U.S. Postal Service" - Mid Advanced. 11 questions. Under 800 words.
- "Chemical Elements" - Mid Advanced. 11 questions. Under 800 words.
- "Africa" - Mid Advanced. 11 questions. Under 1000 words.
Technical Reading Comprehension Worksheets
In these reading comprehension worksheets, students are asked questions about the meaning, significance, intention, structure, inference, and vocabulary used in each passage. Each passage reads like an encyclopedic or technical journal article. Answers for worksheets in this section can be found at the end of each individual worksheet.
- "Water" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 300 words.
- "Paper" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 300 words.
- "The Flu" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
- "Nuts" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
- "The Sun" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
- "The White House" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
- "Soap" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
- "Clocks" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
- "The Robin" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
- "Hybrid Vehicles" - Intermediate level. 4 questions with answers included. Under 500 words.
- "Photography" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 500 words.
- "Biomimetics" - Intermediate level. 4 questions with answers included. Under 700 words.
- "The Great Debates" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
- "Salt" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 700 words.
- "Colony Collapse" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 600 words.
- "Columbian Exchange" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 700 words.
- "Ethanol" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 600 words.
- "Generations" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 600 words.
- "The Hubble Telescope" - Advanced level. 7 questions with answers included. Under 1000 words.
- "Intellegence Augmentation" - Advanced level. 5 questions with answers included. Under 1000 words.
Role Play Reading Comprehension Worksheets
In these reading comprehension worksheets, students can increase their understanding of colloquial and idiomatic expressions and get a feel for conversational English. They also allow several students to participate at the same time - which makes them really fun! Great for use in school or at home.
- Answer Key - This is the answer key to the role play worksheets.
- "What Time Is It?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
- "How Are You?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
- "Tie Your Shoes!" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
- "Where Are My Glasses?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
- "A Cookie" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
- "Where Are My Keys?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
- "City Life, Country Life" - Beginning Level. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Flu Shot" - Intermediate Level. 5 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Vinegar" - Intermediate Level. 4 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Wait for Me!" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Glasses" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Hungry" - Advanced Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Want to Know a Secret?" - Advanced Level. 8 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Milk and Aesthetics" - Advanced Level. 8 questions. Under 500 words.
Dual Version Reading Comprehension Worksheets
In each of these reading comprehension worksheets, the same story is told, but with two versions: one that is basic, and one that is more advanced. This allows students to make direct comparisons between the advanced version to the more basic one, and makes for a powerful learning experience.
- Answer Key - Coming Soon!
- "An Overcast Day" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 200 words.
- "Who Knows My Name?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 200 words.
- "A Call to the Pool" - Beginning Level. 6 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Oh No!" - Beginning Level. 8 questions. Under 300 words.
- "An Adventure" - Beginning Level. 6 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Happy Birthday" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 400 words.
- "My Family" - Beginning Level. 8 questions. Under 300 words.
- "My Family" - Beginning Level. 5 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Driving Directions" - Beginning Level. 6 questions. Under 400 words.
- "A Happy Visitor" - Beginning Level. 7 questions. Under 300 words.
- "The Singing Bird" - Intermediate Level. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
- "Violet Makes a Cake" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
- "A Visit to the Doctor" - Intermediate Level. 7 questions. Under 400 words.
- "Making Dinner" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
- "The Market" - Intermediate Level. 10 questions. Under 500 words.
- "Maria Gets Her License" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 500 words.
- "A Paper for School" - Advanced Level. 7 questions. Under 300 words.
- "A Birthday Surprise" - Advanced Level. 7 questions. Under 600 words.
- "Getting a New Job" - Advanced Level. 8 questions. Under 600 words.
- "The Dinner Party" - Advanced Level. 9 questions. Under 600 words.